WinDeveloper IMF Tune

WinDeveloper IMF Tune
WinDeveloper IMF Tune

Fixing the Junk Email Folder the Hard Way

Alexander Zammit

Alexander Zammit Photo

Software Development Consultant. Involved in the development of various Enterprise software solutions. Today focused on Blockchain and DLT technologies.

  • Published: Apr 10, 2007
  • Category: Anti-Spam
  • Votes: 5.0 out of 5 - 3 Votes
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There are cases where the Junk Email Folder functionality for the Intelligent Message Filter just won't work. If IMF is correctly configured, if the Junk Email folder is enabled, then it is time to use bad manners.

  1. Collapse the 'Top of Information Store' to display the standard set of folders that Outlook displays. From here select the Inbox folder.

  2. Right-Click the Inbox and select 'Open Associated Contents Table'. This is where the Rule to move emails to Junk is located.

    Open Associated Contents Table

  3. If running Outlook 2003, we will typically be able to immediately identify the entry of interest from the subject 'Junk E-mail Rule' as shown below.

    Junk E-mail Rule

    However if we don't see any of the rules with this subject (as is the case for OWA users) we can still identify the rule from its properties:

    1. From the upper pane select the item to inspect. The lower pane will list the properties for the selected item.

    2. Scroll through the properties looking at the 'Value' column. The Junk E-mail Rule will have one value reading 'JunkEmailRule' without any spaces between words.

    3. If found, we almost certainly identified the rule. As a further confirmation, look for the property named PR_MESSAGE_CLASS and make sure this is set to the value IPM.ExtendedRule.Message

  4. Once identified, make sure the Junk E-mail Rule is selected and from the title menu select Actions | Delete Message.

  5. This will open the Delete Item dialog. From here change the selection to 'Permanent delete passing DELETE_HARD_DELETE (unrecoverable)' and click OK.

    Deleting Rule

  6. The Rule is now deleted. We can close the MAPI Editor.

  7. Opening Outlook 2003 now should automatically recreate this rule. This enables the Junk Email folder for IMF and for Outlook 2003 client side anti-spam filter.

    If using OWA or earlier Outlook versions, we need to enable this manually from OWA:

    1. Open the mailbox using OWA

    2. Select Options

    3. Scroll down to the Privacy and Junk E-mail Prevention settings.

    4. Set the Filter Junk E-Mail checkbox

    5. Click Save and Close to save changes.

    Enabling Junk E-mail Filtering

Disable Outlook 2003 Cache Mode

Here is a walk through disabling Outlook 2003 cache mode:

  1. From Outlook 2003 select: Tools | E-mail Accounts...

  2. Select 'View or change existing e-mail accounts...' and click Next

  3. Click Change to edit the Exchange Email Account settings.

  4. From here clear the 'Use Cached Exchange Mode' checkbox.

    Disable Outlook Cache Mode

  5. On clicking Next, a dialog will prompt us that Outlook should be restarted. Click OK and Finish to save changes.

  6. Close Outlook when ready.


Tools for Exchange Server 2003 (sorted by name)

Enabling/Disabling the Junk Email Folder

When IMF Skips Email Processing

IMF SCL Configuration - getting it right

How to delete corrupted and hidden rules from a single mailbox in Outlook 2003

User Comments - Page 1 of 1

Kirk Kiefer 11 Jul 2008 12:35
In response to Renet 123-

I got the same error, so I found and downloaded the Mapi Editor directly:

Worked just as the instructions said it would.
Alexander Zammit 23 Apr 2008 00:58
Have you got Outlook 2003 somewhere?

1. Connect this to the mailbox.
2. Go to Tools | Options | Junk Email
3. Set filtering level to Low
4. Save changes.

Check OWA now.
cscholz 23 Apr 2008 00:07
I've done every step from you article on an Exchange 2007 System. It works, but i've recognized the following Problem.

When I access the UserMailbox over OWA and go to the junk-e-mail options i've got the following error:

Problem beim Versuch, Ihr Postfach zu verwenden. Wenden Sie sich an den technischen Support für Ihre Organisation.
(Translation: problem while accessing your mailbox. Contact your...)


Call stack

Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Storage.JunkEmailRule..ctor(MailboxSession session)

When i open the Mailbox with the Editor again, i can see that outlook hasn'h created the junkemail entry.

is there any solution.
Alexander Zammit 16 Apr 2008 08:45
Are you referring to the MAPI Client or MAPI Editor?

This procedure should not be performed directly on an Exchange server machine.

Furthermore the MAPI Client is only required if you don't have Outlook already installed. If you do then skip the MAPI client installation.
renet123 16 Apr 2008 07:38
I download the MAPI tool, and when installing, says that it is not compatable with my exchange 2003 install.. further reading, the download says: "This package will not install on a system on which any version of Microsoft Outlook or Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 or earlier is installed. "
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