WinDeveloper IMF Tune

WinDeveloper IMF Tune
WinDeveloper IMF Tune

Tariq M. Jaber [MCSE 2003, MCTS (ISA 2006, Exchange 2007)]

Tariq M. Jaber

Tariq is a senior Microsoft Systems Engineer. He implemented several Microsoft infrastructure projects for various major companies. Currently he is working at a Microsoft Certified Partner focusing on Active Directory and Exchange server administration and implementation. He runs his blog about Microsoft services at

Articles from Tariq M. Jaber

Datacenter Activation Coordination (DAC) mode - Part 1
Category - High Availability, Exchange 2010 | Feb 24, 2011
Today we discuss Datacenter Activation Coordination, and see how this is used to prevent mounting a mailbox database that is currently active and mounted at another Database Availability Group (DAG) member. In other words, preventing the split brain syndrome. Read more...
Active Manager – The Exchange 2010 High Availability Brain
Category - High Availability, Exchange 2010 | Jan 04, 2011
In this Article I’ll talk about the Active Manager which is a role running on each mailbox server in Exchange 2010. It performs database operations on Database Availability Group (DAG) members and checks the Active Directory topology on each mailbox server. Read more...
Exchange Server 2010 Role Based Access Control (RBAC)
Category - Security, Exchange 2010 | Jun 29, 2010
In this Article I’ll talk about Role Based Access Control (RBAC), the new permission granting model introduced in Exchange Server 2010. Using RBAC we grant administrators the exact set of permissions required, without handing any additional rights. Read more...
Exchange 2010 Database Availability Group (DAG)
Category - High Availability, Exchange 2010 | May 25, 2010
In this article we will explain the new Exchange 2010 high availability feature; Database Availability Group (DAG). An overview, how it works and how to deploy a highly available Exchange 2010 environment. Read more...
Exchange 2007 Standby Continuous Replication - Configuration & Testing
Category - Exchange 2007, High Availability | Jan 14, 2010
In this article we will explain Standby Continuous Replication (SCR); an overview, how it works and how to enable it. We finally test SCR by moving the Exchange service to the disaster recovery (DR) site. Read more...
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