3. New User or Group setup
In order to create a new user for the domain.com tenant, you have to create the user in the correct OU and mailbox database (if you followed the step 2.10). The new user can be created from the Management Shell or the Management Console. The best approach is to use Shell because you can automate the process.
First of all you have to create a new password:
$password = Read-Host "Enter Password" -AsSecureString
And enter the new password. The password must fulfill the domain password complexity requirements.
To create a new user:
New-mailbox -UserPrincipalName name.surname@domain.com -database "domain.com MB" -Name "Name Surname" -OrganizationalUnit "ou=domain.com,ou=tenants, dc=addomain,dc=local" -password $password -FirstName Name -LastName Surname -DisplayName "Name Surname" -ResetPasswordOnNextLogon $false -alias name.surname
If you didn't follow the optional step 2.10, you have to assign the Offline Address Book for each user (This step is optional related with step 2.10). To do that, run the cmdlet:
Get-User -Filter { userPrincipalName -like "*@domain.com " } | Set-Mailbox -OfflineAddressBook "domain.com OAB"
This cmdlet must be run always after you create a new user.
Add the new user to the company security group (2.3)
Add-DistributionGroupMember -Identity "domain.com Users" -Member name.surname@domain.com
To create a new distribution group you should run the same cmdlet as in step 2.3
Update all the address lists and the email policy to reflect the new changes.
After a new object is created you should run the following cmdlets to be sure that all the address books contain it.
update-EmailAddressPolicy -Identity "domain.com"
update-GlobalAddressList -Identity " domain.com GAL"
update-AddressList -Identity "domain.com AL"
update-OfflineAddressBook -Identity " domain.com OAB"
In the second part of this article we will be back with a procedure regarding hosting environment setup using Exchange 2010 SP1 /hosting switch. Since there is no graphical Management Console, all configurations will be based only on cmdlets.
White Paper: Configuring Virtual Organizations and Address List Segregation in Exchange 2007